Sarne De Vliegher
Sarne De Vliegher graduated as a vet in 1998 from Ghent University and became a world-renowned mastitis and milk quality research expert with special expertise in the epidemiology of heifer mastitis and coagulase-negative staphylococci. He is passionate about udder health and milk quality as well as about the veterinary profession. In everything he does, Sarne is both proactive and passionate. When working with students of veterinary medicine, he encourages them to be proactive and creative in their work. He motivates them to have a clear mission and vision for the modern practice they hope to set up. It’s not just his students he seeks to motivate, though. His passion extends beyond the university to his veterinary colleagues who he tries to inspire to make the shift from curative to preventative medicine, from being a skilled practitioner to a respected herd health advisor.
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